Privacy and Law

By Srinivas Atreya Chatti Introduction “Perhaps the most striking thing about the right to privacy is that nobody seems to have any very clear idea what it is.” [1] When we contemplate an invasion of privacy

Securities Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2014

By Maj. Aneesh Gurudas In the light of SEBI’s legal turf with the Sahara group, SEBI has been in dire need of enhanced powers to regulate the securities market. Adding fuel to the fire, the

Cheque Dishonour : SC settles jurisdictional issues

By Shuchi Mehta DASHRATH JUDGEMENT: CHEQUE DISHONOR COMPLAINTS TO BE FILED AFRESH IN LAKHS OF CASES In Dashrath Rupsingh Rathod vs. Bank of Maharashtra & Anr. case, the Supreme Court overruled its earlier judgment on

E-Waste : A growing concern

By Varun Singh Advances in the field of science and technology brought about industrial revolution in the 18th Century which marked a new era in human civilization. The 20th Century witnessed information and communication revolutions,

Laws relating to prevention of air pollution in India – Part II

By Rajendra Beniwal The first part of this article dealt with genesis of laws regulating the air pollution in India, the powers and functions of the Pollution Control Boards (both Central & State), and the

Laws relating to prevention of air pollution in India – Part I

By Rajendra Beniwal Introduction – Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere.[1] A recent WHO study[2] of

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