Collective action by all financial creditors not a prerequisite to file an application under Section 95 of the I&B code

Collective action by all financial creditors not a prerequisite to file an application under Section 95 of the I&B code

Dheeraj Wadhawan v. Union Bank of India & Anr.[1] NCLAT, Principal Bench, New Delhi Introduction and Facts of the Case The present case, which was decided by the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) on

Insights on the Proposed Amendments on MSME Registration and Disclosure under CIRP.

Insights on the Proposed Amendments on MSME Registration and Disclosure under CIRP

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) released a discussion paper on 23rd August, 2024, seeking comments on proposed changes to the Regulation 36 of CIRP Regulations. We have summarized our views and recommendations

Landowners And Builder Jointly Liable Despite Revocation Of Power Of Attorney Supreme Court

Landowners And Builder Jointly Liable Despite Revocation Of Power Of Attorney: Supreme Court

The Hon’ble Supreme Court (“SC”) in the case of Akshay and Anr. v. Aditya and Ors.[i] dismissed the Civil Appeals filed in a real estate dispute. The bench comprising of Bela M. Trivedi and Satish

Our Associate Partner Aaushi Shah Doshi quoted in inc42 Media

In a recent article published by Inc42 Media titled “Inside The Messy Split Between Anupam Mittal’s And WestBridge”, Our Associate Partner Aaushi Shah Doshi shares her expert insights. Aaushi Opined ” Singapore law is

Appellate Courts Must Adhere To Order XLI And Cannot Create A New Case For Parties Supreme Court

Appellate Courts Must Adhere To Order XLI And Cannot Create A New Case For Parties: Supreme Court

In a recent landmark judgment[i], the Hon’ble Supreme Court (“SC”) emphasized a crucial principle in appellate jurisprudence, stating that the appellate courts must strictly adhere to procedural norms and cannot create new issues or cases

Property Owner Liable To Pay Water Tax Levied By Local Corporation Irrespective Of Usage

Property Owner Liable To Pay Water Tax Levied By Local Corporation Irrespective Of Usage

In a pivotal ruling, the Hon’ble Bombay High Court (“HC”) held that property owners must pay water tax and water benefit tax even if the water facility is not utilized by either the owner or

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