Tag: supreme court

Fundamental Right of the consumer to be made aware of the quality of products

Supreme Court Recognizes The Fundamental Rights Of Consumers In Relation To Misleading Advertisements

In a significant development, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has passed an order on 7th May 2024, addressing the issue of misleading advertisements, particularly in the food and health sectors. The directions were passed

Service Provider Must Substantiate Any Claim That A Service Was Availed For Commercial Purposes Supreme Court

Service Provider Must Substantiate Any Claim That A Service Was Availed For Commercial Purposes: Supreme Court

In a judgment passed by the Supreme Court, delivered by a Bench presided by the Hon’ble Justice Pamidighantam Sri Narasimha and Justice Aravind Kumar. The Hon’ble Bench dismissed appeals filed by Shriram Chits (India) Private

Deceptively Similar Trademark Delhi High Court Grants Permanent Injunction To Karim’s

Deceptively Similar Trademark: Delhi High Court Grants Permanent Injunction To Karim’s

The Bench of Hon’ble Delhi High Court, comprising of Hon’ble Justice Sanjeev Narula rendered a significant ruling, in favour of Karim Hotels Pvt. Ltd. (“Plaintiff Company”) in a trademark infringement Suit. The legal dispute revolved

Accountability Of Advocate’s Services Vis-A -Vis Liability Under Consumer Protection Act: Supreme Court

Accountability Of Advocate’s Services Vis-A -Vis Liability Under Consumer Protection Act: Supreme Court

The Hon’ble Apex Court in the matter of Bar of Indian Lawyers Through its President Jasbir Sigh Malik vs D.K Gandhi PS National Institute of Communicable Diseases[1] overruled a 2007 judgement of the National Consumer

Preparing for the unexpected: Understanding the concept of Living Wills

Preparing for the unexpected: Understanding the concept of Living Wills

An unfortunate or unexpected incident in life can come up at any time, this emphasizes the importance of a ‘Living Will’. A ‘Living Will’ in legal terms is known as an ‘Advance Medical Directive’ which

Supreme Court Reiterates Duty of Care in Medical Negligence Case

Supreme Court Reiterates Duty of Care in Medical Negligence Case

This judgementi concerns a medical negligence case where a 13-year-old boy, Master Irshad, lost vision in his right eye following a cataract surgery performed by the respondents. The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (“DCDRC”) initially

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